We wanted to dress like hookers and go around and just be...well...sluts.
Alright, what you are about to see are clips of my cat Shadow attacking me...Please understand that it took me alot of courage and bravery to put myself in this situation- To record proof that this is not the cute fluffly young cat you see on KrizkoTV...... That in reality, she's EVIL I tell you!
LOLOL...[Don't forget to pause my music! xp]
Me and Volcano!
It sucks that our economy is down......Well, Let's go to the county fair people! xD lololololololol.....wut.
I would NEVER ride the Zipper/Fireball. Nevar!!!!
But I would ride the Music Express a 837498742208348432 times! xD So heres the only video I made from the county fair! ^-^ I really liked the fact that Lady Gaga's song "Poker face" was playing! "Can we fly! Can we fly!" And watching this makes me laugh. Im laughing and screaming random obscenities , and I also pressured Vi to ride this with me. ^-^ I love her!<3
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