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Ive been feeling so cynical.
It's a fun feeling!
I think I am going to crash soon. Today I got a Hazlenut Iced Coffee from Mcdonalds and to cure the watery taste I chose to add MORE coffee ground.
Then I felt like it was too strong and bitter so I added MORE sugar and cream.
Oh! And caramel too.
Ive been hyper and twitchy for the past two hours.
My horoscope for the day:
Thursday, Nov 12th, 2009 -- It's hard for you to take your responsibilities lightly now, for the Moon's conjunction to somber Saturn in your sign sets the tone for the day. Don't waste your precious energy attempting to put on a happy face for others because that's what they expect of you. It's not your job today to make everyone feel okay about the issues you face. It's up to you to look inward and ask yourself tough questions so you can gain clarity about the next phase of your life.
I'm really enjoying the cold weather and thunder btw! :D
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