Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Agenda

Haha my sister being the organized responsible person she is, She created a Thanksgiving agenda, and sent this to me through Myspace! Thought I'd share. :D
Iv'e been waiting for this day!
Every year we have all of our cousins and relatives over to celebrate a huge Thanksgiving at our house. So it's always a big thing for me hehe.

1. potluck-KFC bucket [hahaha This is just something she wants to bring]

2. desserts-Kryzkos pie [My luscious banana cream pie! :D]

3. appetizers- Kimbys' baked mussels

4. décor

-orange, green, and brown color theme

-Christmas decorations (lights, wreath, stockings)

-Thanksgiving plates, napkins, and cups

-music and movie (Star Trek,The Ugly Truth)


Morning-2pm: clean and prep decorations

-clean kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom

-set up Christmas decorations (stockings, wreath, table pieces)

-prep entertainment (music and movies)

2-4pm: grocery shopping ($80 SPENDING BUDGET)

-KFC (open till 4pm) mixed bucket ($20)

-Safeway (open till 6pm): baked mussels, kryzkos pie ingredients, mommys ingredients ($50 BUDGET)

-Walmart(open 24hrs): Holiday door wreath, Thanksgiving utensils ($15 BUDGET)

-huy's pork and peas takeout?? [LOOL Huy and his need for filipino dishes]

4-6pm: cook and prep!!!

-save KFC (rebake later and throw in bucket again)

-prep & bake mussels at huys house

-go home and finish prepping (huy brings DVD)
6pm-7pm: shower, get dressed, and PARTAY :D Gobble-Gobble!!

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