8:56 am
Sorry about lastnight, I GOT DISTRACTED AGAIN.
Why do I do that damnit.
I need to put my poker face back on.
I just felt incredibly lonely and depressed, and emotional. :/
I think I'm getting my period soon...
That's how you know because you could tell by my posts!
My posts start to ramble on about love, and me plotting evil plots on poor clueless boys..
Well, what's really interesting is that my stomach expanding goal seems to be working!
I eat so much now, it's amazing.
Lastnight I decided to hang out in my room in just my panties and cotton tee..
(I know it seems unnessecary to say that, but I wanted to give you guys a visual, teehee.)
And I was flipping out because while I was sitting on my bed I started to lightly poke the sides of my hips and GUESS WHAT.
I'm getting fat! Yay!
I was so amused because its so soft and feels swollen...
It's just that I use to have just muscle and bone around my hips.
And now theres cute fats!!! ^__^
Brb, breakfast time!
A friend showed me that cute blog of yours.
Does that really make you feel better..?
Is it really necessary for you to say such things?
We are two separate individuals.
And we are different. Do not compare myself to you.
It's not very respectful to compare yourself to others like that.
I will not tolerate it, I've been so depressed.. don't you have any consideration to just keep your relationship to yourself for awhile and be humble about the both of you?
A month or two after our breakup and you think that there's nothing wrong with advertising your new found love in this manner?
There's nothing wrong with being proud and happy about you two, but when you compare yourself to his past girlfriends, hence; me.
You are crossing the line.
When you brag and boast about you two- What is your goal?
I really thought you were a cute kind-hearted girl..
Maybe I'm wrong.
2:22 pm
I know it's really un healthy but I really can't drink water alone.
I don't remember the last time I drank a glass of water...
I think it was the water fountain back in Intermediate school...
So I was watching disturbing videos last night and I learned something about myself.
You know what's really weird...
I can watch humans being torturted or killed in videos, But I can't help but cry when I see the same happen for animals...
Seeing humans being tortured or killed- I do feel bad, and feel sympathetic for them..
But when it's done to animals, I get so angry with people.
Most of these animals are hopeless and defenseless.
It just makes me sick to my stomach.
9:28 pm
Why does this always happen to me in Walmart..
I was walking toward the health center, and a man in his late thirties, AND his son (probably 7 years old) follows me into an aisle and tries to start a conversation with me.
I need to stop being nice.
Most of the time I just briefly smiled and nodded while walking away from the guy, But I guess thats not enough of a hint to show that I don't want to talk to him.
He kept calling me "sweetie", and "baby", and I finally literally ran away from him in the end, LOL
I quickly pivoted into an aisle, and I ran to the other side of the store, LMAO.
Anyways, I bought a shitload of junkfood!<3
(Fruit drinks Circus Animal Cookies, and cheese in a can!!!)
I'm also going to start drinking Ensure Plus, :D
It's suppose to help me gain weight, teehee
ReplyDeletebut me love you long time <3
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee baha .
plus , don't worry about that girl ,
but you wont , righhhhhht ?! GOOD :D
Oh no leigh,
ReplyDeleteI'm not worried at all. ^___^
Just a tad bit annoyed!
I'm not doing anything wrong..
Just think of it as a warning.
Setting things straight.
I could never truely hate anyone though..
We all say stupid things at some point in our lives...
But I am a good manipulator.
Anyone that trys to bring me down either gets confused or dissapointed Because I become awkwardly reasonable and creepy...
As if they don't know what to do with me..
I'm good.
ReplyDeletethat's what i say xD
lolololol ,
but thats good ,
wait - - reasonable and creepy ? XD
What I mean is that people don't know how to argue with me...
ReplyDeleteI'm always honest, and understanding with any argument...
I will point out your faults,
but in the end I always try to see the good in things..
I'm not one who goes off and says something like-
"What you said makes you a stupid person. You will never learn or grow up from this. [insert insult] You should die, and you are not forgivable. [insert another insult here] You don't make any sense, and I don't see any reason why you would do this, [insert more insults here.]"
i see what you mean .
ReplyDeletei actually just laugh at people that argue with me ,
people probably think im crazy cuz i just keep laughing & walk away -_-
but hey , were all crazy , am i right ?
i do hope she does get the hint to leave you alone though !
good lucky <333
I also freak when animals get killed. Have you ever seen a documentary report about meat factories? IT'S HORRIBLE!!! That's why I became a vegetarian.
ReplyDeleteBut on the other hand I masterbate to snuff vids.
You should see the full 5 min. video "chechclear". IT'S AWESOME!
LOL to the masturbating to snuff videos... And thank you for the recommendation, I'll look into that. As for the meat factories, sadly yes! And Animal fur farms, and labs, just pretty much everything..
ReplyDeleteI went through a phase where I felt really sick eating meat, but I guess I just couldnt avoid it, and I got used to eating meat everyday like the way we breathe air...
My filipino family won't allow it... I know it should be a self decision, but it also would make gaining weight even harder for me..
Nowadays I just don't like to think of it. :/