2:58 pm
Okay this is what I am going to do.
Everyday, starting now, I am going to keep track of my calorie intake everyday!
My goal is 2,500+ a day!
(I know its pretty big for me, but I just want to set a high goal)
And that's to AT LEAST gain one pound a week. hehehehe.
I'm also going to do a hour of resistance exercises so I don't just poop out all of my calories..
I need to give my body a reason to store some fats! ^__^
Don't laugh at my food, LOL
1 can Cappuccino- 170 calories
12 Pizza rolls- 420 calories
15 Cheeto cheese puffs - 160 calories
1 package Shrimp Udon Noodles(230) + 1 brown egg(70) = 300 calories
total calories so far = 1,050
1,450 calories to go!
1:32 am
1 can Passion Orange- 140 calories
Tuna Mayo Sandwhich with Whole wheat Bread- about 250 calories
Remaining Tuna/mayo with 15 tortilla chips- about 200 calories
Leftover Costco Rotisserie chicken - about 150 calories
2 cups of rice- about 400 calories
15 Cheeto puffs- 160 calories
total= 1,300 calories
Total calories for today- 2,350
Oh, and I'm also doing this calorie log thing for motivation, and a good reason to get back in the habit of blogging again. :]
5:12 pm
I just would like to say Thank you to one of my Blog TV viewers (Charles) for the generous Donation!!
I was suppose to buy a Hello Kitty Neck Massager
But after doing some research on it, IT REALLY IS JUST A NECK MASSAGER.
I was disappointed.
I was hoping that it was just a silly lie, but I've seen reviews.
The figurine on the top just vibrates, and the bottom part is where the on switch is located, and isn't made for reasons I was hoping for. :[
After a few hours of researching, I figured that I should order some prescription circle lens instead.
I've been using this same old pair for 3 months+ now, when it's suppose to be disposed after 2 weeks.. Damn.
Not to mention how much I squint on on cam, or how I hardly respond to the chat because It's hard for me to see ..
In real life, (LOL) I have trouble reading things like menus at fast food joints, or just anything from afar..
I have bad vision.
*RE EDIT- BTW I broke my glasses. :[ It's missing a lens on one side, and on the other side, The handle part for my ear came off, LOL
The tiny screw fell off and I don't know where it is.. DAMIT*
I ordered lens from Pinky Paradise, and maybe I'll do a review?
Okay I will. :D
I got 3 pairs: Dolly Eye Grey, EOS Adult brown, and Ultra Black CK-105.
I picked these three because I wanted a pair of dramatic lens (dolly eye grey are bright and somewhat creepy looking, HEEHEE) A natural looking lens ( Adult brown) and a lens that I could use everyday! (CK-105, which just has a black gradient like rim)
Dolly Eye Grey

EOS Adult Brown

* I do not expect the products to look as good as they do in the ads, but when I get them, I'll be the judge of that! :D*
I also couldn't resist adding in this $1.99 facial mask!

I love the smell of green apples.
Now I am going to have the honor of having a green apple scented "facial" ;]
(LOL Vi.<3)
Can't wait for my order to come in, it's suppose to take 7-21 days, I'm patient... I think. :]
I also donated 40 dollars to The Red Cross Fund the same night, because I felt bad!
Hope for Haiti!
Since I'm doing this appreciation segment, i'm going to go ahead and thank Mark also for his donation and gifts! (LATE I KNOW,LOL forgive me.)
I've never really gotten to say how much I appreciated them.
Shadow likes to play with the Crystal ball. ^__^
And I pick my teeth with that kitty pin, (JUST KIDDING ;])
The rest of the trinkets are still sitting on my desk, continuing to bask away in cigarette scented boxes.
A portion of your donation went to Haiti btw~
So there you go.
Expect a review on circle lens and a more talkative Krizko on Blog TV in a week or so~
9:07 pm
I just got off the phone with someone really special.
I'm sorry.
But it's for the best okay?
Don't take any fault because you are an amazing person.
Everything about you was perfect, it scared me.
I do apologize for being.. maybe too kind
I know I warned you, and you also agreed that we would'nt get this close.
But I didn't know myself well enough.
I couldn't help it.
But.. that's who I am. I like to please and excite.
It seems that it's all I've ever known..
It makes me happy.
Who doesnt like the comfort of knowing that your'e special to someone..?
Maybe someday we'll get to see each other.
I just can't be in a serious relationship right now.
Especially if I can't even see you.
I've been in relationships after relationships, and after the last, that one month where I isolated myself from everyone- it was the worst month ever.
The first month I've ever been alone.
What does a person like me do?
Being the lovable Krystle I am, I always feel like I need to make people happy,
It brings me happiness.
I love to be around others.
The sad thing is that I don't know how to be happy alone.
I've never really gotten to have the chance to experience what it's like to be alone and happy.
The next few months after that terrible month , I started to come out again,
and things started to feel better.
I used all this extra time to get closer to my family, and that was my new inspiration..
Then New years came, and I met you!
It was unplanned and a lucky coincidence, and we just connected so quickly.
Twenty days.
Just twenty days, and we got so close. :/
Remember New Years, our unplanned little anniversary<3
I'll keep that really close to my heart. You were the first person I spoke to when this year started.
And every time someone comes along, I'll know better.
I'll be more careful okay?
So I wouldn't end up hurting the both of us. :/
Your'e really special to me.
You have so much going on for you, and don't let this unfortunate event bring you down.
When I'm ready to be in a relationship, I'll be ready to make it work.
Don't wait for me.
It's going to be a long time.
Keep in touch, and don't forget about me!
Because I won't, I promise.<3
1:51 am
I had to force myself to eat those 15 cheeto puffs, LOL
I am so full.
Stupid me, tommorrow I'm going to try make this easier by eating every 2 hours?
I feel like I just shoved 1,300 calories down my throat just now
Okay okay well enough of eating my depression away...
Time for my nappy!
Till it be morrow!
I cant read fast food menus either
ReplyDeleteI feel so retarded
Cheese puffs yes.<3
ReplyDeleteAnd Ash-
ReplyDeleteI KNOW OMG
Then the person behind the register asks if your'e ready to order, because youre so close to her, and how awkward it is when Shes watching you
LOL. thats exactly how it is lmfaoooo.
ReplyDeleteI feel so stupid everytime I eat at a new place x3