Saturday, January 30, 2010

My room.

1:08 am

Just being in my room makes me angry.
How I always save atleast one Strawberry Lilikoi..
Well atleast till I get another pack to replace it.
And when it gets late,When I go out to grab Shadow, I start to get really nervous.
I'm ridiculous.
What you said keeps replaying over and over again in my head.
And your'e right, I did die a long time ago.

In a few hours, my lens are suppose to be delivered today!
That's keeping me happy and excited!
And this time, I will NOT miss it. I will wake up early and just camp out in the front of my house..
This is also a good chance to make an interesting video..
I love a man in uniform. ;]
Have you guys ever watched those hidden camera videos where the customer trys to seduce the mailman, LOL
I dont think my balls are big enough for that though.
Well not yet.
I'm still working on Project 105. (My weight gain goal, hehehehe)
So for this past week I've been doing alot of resistance excersizes and it feels really good!
Starting this week I'm going to work on my flexibility again. ^___^
I use to be so flexible :[
I miss being able to put my foot over my head.. hahah
Anyways.. lololol

My computer... I underestimated how many crap I had on here..
Look forward to new content! [pictures]

Saturday, Jan 30th, 2010 -- The gregarious Leo Full Moon can turn you into a bull in a china shop because the force of Mars joins her today to push you to let everyone in your social or work group know where you stand. Fortunately, your key planet Venus is also in the picture, enabling you to appear gracious to others, even if you are on a mission. Don't worry too much about trying to be nice now; if your heart is filled with good intentions, they will carry you through

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