Saturday, January 2, 2010


10:48 pm

What can I say about 2009....
Another epic year, That's for sure.
I had my good times, and my big fat share of bad times as well.

Like you, (hopefully) I've learned from my mistakes, and grown up even more.
I learned to accept my horrid past, and today I will use that as a motivation to be better.
I've been in a rocky relationship for the past 2 years and a half, and even though it didn't end so well, I don't regret it at all.
Through it, I met many new friends, and I learned alot about love and relationships.

It made me learn that I'm not ready for a serious relationship...
I really want to focus on my career and future right now.

When I feel ready to share my life with the person I love,
I want to be financially ready too!
I want to become independent, and I want to learn to love myself first.
So that's one resolution!
Maintain a healthy relationship with thyself.<3

Second, Now that i'm single, there needs to be change.
I admit, I am a attractive person.
I'm certainly not perfect though.
I still feel "too skinny" sometimes..
How my nose looks huge in diffrent angles, my strong jawline, my slight over bite, the lines and scars on my skin... even my long toes, LOLOL

We all have little flaws whether we recognize them or not.
I can look past mines. And for the past month, a new confident "sexy" Krystle has been slowly emerging.
I've met many new faces, and it just makes me feel like i'm in highschool all over again! *giggle*

My point is that I need to learn to control myself, and be careful!
My kindness (especially from an attractive person) can give off the wrong message.
So that's another New year's resolution.
Be SOCIAL and have fun,
but do not lead people on or hurt others.

I have other TOP SECRET New year resolutions, and just other typical goals I'm sure you guys don't want to hear me ramble on about...
All there is to say is.....

And you can't stop me.....



10:50 pm


I need one ASAP.


  1. Hey uhm...
    Don't mind me. I'm just one of the many sick stalkers *LOL*

    I just wanted to give you a hint because you said you feel "too skinny". I'm a boy (who would have guessed ^^) but I was extremely skinny too all my life no matter how much stuff I ate. But someday I started dong sports lke running and sit ups n' shit like that and somehow I became less thin. ;)

    So what I'm trying to say is:
    If it bothers you beng skinny, you could at least try to work out a bit. Give your body a reason to host some fat/mass whatever. f you just keep eating and sit around you'll probably just poop the stuff right out... XD XD XD

    Anyway, happy new year n' shit!

  2. Oh and don't mind the spelling errors.
    The " i " key on my keyboard bitches on me. :P

  3. Dude , we just got twinzier .
    I was in my last relationship for two & a half years . . . O.O

    I hope your new years resolution makes a wonderful Krizko<3333

    Me love you ^^;
    Teehee .

  4. To anonymous-
    Yeah it sucks being really thin, people automatically assume that I am anorexic, or that I like the "thin" look.. xD
    Thanks for the helpful tips!
    I have been just pooping everything out like a gerbil...
    Fortunately, I'm going to go back into dancing this year, so maybe that will work!
    Happy New year to you too!
    Peace and love to you my brothaaaaaaaaaaaa! *escalating to higher pitch*! <3

  5. Hahah Leigh...
    Btw my nipples has been hurting again!
    I'm getting my period soon, woooo!
    And I hope your resolutions make a wondurful[er] Leigh as well!
    Me love you long time Leigh. Me love you long time.<3
