Wednesday, March 31, 2010


8:08 pm

Hey, a lot of your comments inspired me to come back and continue updating my blog!
I am really sorry for not being very active... I've just been really busy,
cough* masturbating

Anyways! I've been reading back on my old entries, and I am starting to realize that I love my posts..and I enjoy reading them a lot.
Lately I have been having a lot of emotional posts... Maybe that's why I've stopped posting because I vowed to myself that I would stop writing about a specific subject, and I just don't want everyone to think I'm a emotional wreck.

For those of you that want to follow my blog, I'm sorry about taking down my follow button, I just thought it looked really ugly LOL
But! There is still a way to follow me!
Go to your blogger home (dashboard) and right below the list of all the blogs you are following, there is a "ADD" and "MANAGE" button. Click on the "add" and paste my blog url ( in there! And Ta dah!~
You are now following me on Blogger.
I think I'll just add a follow button somehow in the side bar so...



So as I was saying, I need to get back in the habit of updating my blog...
Also replying back to people on my cbox and formspring...
I think I'll do a review on the rest of my contacts soon..
Also, I'm expecting three packages in the mail! Including possible Kitten fabric from a online friend!
I've been introduced to Ebay people.
I'm scared too.

I have more to tell you, but I'm gonna go get some breakfast! French toast and coffee is calling me.

Be right back honeysuckles.


11:51 pm



On Monday, It was a great day.
The air was cool, the sun was out, the birds were chirping, and I went outside barefoot to grab the laundry that was hanging dry. That was sweet too. My cats following me around, playing with my feet...
I grinned at them for being extra playful while I tip toed.. grabbing the linen and cotton sheets, they were so observant, and well, cute.

With a full load of laundry I picked the plastic basket up and I skipped my way back into the house, humming a melody to myself.
Halfway there I froze, and the basket falls to the ground.
Sucking in my gut I felt a sharp pain under my foot. I sat myself down and just store at it.
It wiggled.
I braced myself and pulled it out with my fingernails..
A sweet scent on my tips was left, I thought it was cool
Having no knowledge about bee stings, I picked the basket up once again and I continued my way into my home.
Every second after I stood up, my foot began to pulse and stab with pain, I freaked out and ran into my room.
I sat on my bed squeezing my foot because the pain was so strong, I didn't know what to do or what was happening to me, I called him.<3
He was worried and he was really trying to help me..
I fucking love him.
Asking me about any reactions to be sure I wasn't allergic, or I wasn't going to die soon, LOL
After all, this was my first bee sting!
Being the stubborn person I am, I said I didn't need the baking powder or Apple cider vinegar he said I should use.. (It's suppose to help soothe the pain, and clean out the bee venom)
I thought bee stings weren't anything special, that it would go away in an hour or two.. Yeah it hurt, but hey I can handle a few hours..
All I did was clean my foot with alcohol, and seal it with a band- aid.
fuck me.
Its already Wednesday and I've been limping.
I feel like I'm stepping on a swollen ball, and it just hurts and itches...
I feel like my foot is going to fall off!!!
I couldn't even go out with the family to Walmart and Costco because I can't walk like a normal person..
It looks like I had really rough sex..
Anyways, It's getting better though!
My packages didn't come in today either, sad face.

Hopefully tommorrow!


Even though my week has been very unlucky... I feel extremely happy.
With him.
Tonight I felt like new doors were opened.. I've done something I've never done before and he just makes me feel so comfortable.
Not a hundred percent, but I'm getting there!
it's a really nice feeling.
My whole day pretty much revolved around him, and it was great.
Tommorow I will reply back to everyone okay?
My hands were full today (if you know what i mean ;] )
LOL jk
But tommorow! I need to get back to everyone!<3333333333