11:22 pm
Hopefully this week will be a better one? Hopefully.
I had a really really really really really nice weekend though. Thanks to him<3
Also, I'm still waiting on ONE more package!
It's probably going to come in tomorrow, or Tuesday.. Expect two reviews!
And for this past week, I guess the only thing that has been keeping me sane was food. I ate a lot of delicious foods....
Now it's almost twelve. And here I am sipping on a chilled can of Sprite..
Uploading pictures onto my lappy, and blogging the night away.
Here is a picture haul of meals/snacks and other new things.
I love Steak, onions and bell peppers... with a fried egg on the side! Beef patties with gravy... I could never get tired of steak.
Heres what I always get at the mall- The Mini Kalbi plate from Pearls barbeque with 4 pcs Fried Man doo, it's my favorite.
My side choices - cabbage and macaroni salad!
These Shrimp Shumai dumplings...
You can buy them anywhere, I got mines from Walmart. You just defrost them in the microwave for 45 seconds, and brown them up a bit on the frying pan if you want it to be crispy! Really tasty. drool/
I don't know where my mom got these, but we have Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets! High quality white chicken meat too! These are too cute to eat.. I always bite the ears off first : D And if you havnt noticed by now, I always add Aji Nori Furitake to my rice!
My new snack obsession...
Hawaii Popcorn company's Hawaiian Gourmet Popcorn
I just bought a new bag of the "Red and Green" flavor that's supposedly a local favorite.
It's just sweet red/green colored candied popcorn, but I still like the "Hurricane" flavor better though.
I ate it all and I had to dig it out of my trash to take a picture of the bag,
hee hee.
These are baked mussels my sister brought home! I just ate a few of them,
I loved it. The orange stuff is fish eggs btw.
And LOLOL I stuck them in the microwave to warm them up and one exploded..
Fish eggs all over the microwave. ;_;
Lastly, since I've been feeling bad for Shadow, I now allow Shadow to come into my room whenever she wants to, LOL
In the bottom left corner of my window there has always been a teeny hole..
That hole is now big enough for Shadow to climb in... HEE HEE
She comes in late at night to eat my leftovers I usually leave out...
Then she leaves my room when she's done.
But that's after she just lays in bed with me for a while.<3
And when she needs to poop she'll leave.
It's so cute.
Goodnight everyone. <3
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