Tangy orange juice on my tongue this morning, I love this.
I know this sounds a bit gross but-
I specifically skipped brushing my teeth just to drink this orange juice- Cmon we all know what orange juice tastes like after you brush your teeth! bleh!
And to eat sweet buttermilk dark chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries and bananas! :D
I need to practice my future wife skills ; ]
Also, I just did a couple reps... of morning squats with weights LOLOL
Can you imagine that
It's suppose to thicken up my legs, and....
it did!! ... HEEHHEHEHEHE

They say that lifting heavy weights with fewer reps makes you toner and gain more thickness?
I don't know but I need to start working on my arms and legs because I'm starting to get a belly HAHAH
I kinda took a 2 week break just to see what would happen
Though I kinda like it because when I slap my tummy it makes these cute flabby noises...
I'm usually a morning person, which explains the good mood I'm in right now,
but I woke up to the news on the radio talking about the highway to Lahaina ( where my mom works) still being closed from last night. The only way to get there is this back narrow and winding road no one ever takes because it's dangerous, and not recommended for the inexperienced ...? Sooo my mum is still home waiting for it to be clear! There was abanoner (HAHAH) ANOTHER* brush fire, we usually have one once or twice a year, but this one burnt down 1100 acres and also burnt an unoccupied house under construction.. There are evacuation centers open just in case anyone becomes homeless :O
I could only imagine all the spiders and rats running away from the fires and moving into nearby homes, LOLOL I feel so bad.
Which reminds me! We have acres and acres of Sugar cane here on Maui, and when they burn it down, all hell breaks loose. It's not just the burning manure you smell in the air, but when they burn down these fields, sugar cane spiders are seen, by the thousands, crossing roads- so much that it looks like mice, you have to close your windows when you're driving through the highway because they can get into your cars, oh my god. Thank goodness I don't live in the area.
Roflrofl i'm getting off subject--
I'm sorry again for not updating as much, I'm fine. And I feel inspired again.
andandand I love him so so so much. My heart feels like its on it's edge, and I get bursts of excitement and nervousness when I think about him coming here.
Two months.
I get so worried, and my feelings about everything is rolling around on a ride, I am so... dkdfdklfkmzsfk;oef;ed
Too many things go through my head..
What if he doesn't like meeee
What if I'm not what he expected me to be likeEE
I know this may sound really stupid and silly but just the other night I sat myself down, And took about 2 hours looking at all my pictures... videos... blogs.. everything on the net. I was trying to get an idea of how others would see and view me.
Then I sat in front of the mirror and observed my face. Analyzing every little bit, from my pores, to my eyelashes... my tiny moles, my acne scars, my imperfect teeth, that slight overbite I have, my strong jawline, the man brows I need to pluck, my eye bags.. Just everything.
I even inspected my whole naked body,
Pouting at all the scars I have,
These scars all over my body..
These permanent and stubborn scars..
I felt depressed. Then I remembered him saying that he'd kiss each and every one of them, and after realizing how much he would have to kiss- that made me smile.
I stopped.
I stopped and made a self reminder that I need to quit picking at myself.
He loves me for me, and if he can accept things that even I have a hard time accepting, then I fucking love him even more, and I don't know how I could live and feel this happy and secure without him.
Brb breakfast time~
Oh, haha I know what you mean about the sugar canes on Maui, the smell is horrid. BLEH! You sure sound really happy when you talk about Ulyber, he sure seems like a great guy. Are you going to give him the Maui Tour?? Well, I love every entry/ update that you write about. I love reading them. Keep it up ^__^