11:55 am
I woke up this morning around 10:50 am from text message vibrations coming from under my pillow...
Who would be texting me so early!!?
Destroying my daily ritual of waking up, staring at the wall for an hour, and even my masturbation time!?!
My sister.
*checks phone*
Oh lawd.
3 New messages.
She's been trying to get a hold of me since 8 this morning!
Text message: " check your face book, foo!" - 8:58 am
2nd text message: "call mee when you're ready, make sure u get you chores done by then!" - 10:25 am
3rd text message: "kimjaramillo.blogspot.com" - 10:26 am
So I got up quickly to check my facebook, and she left me the sweetest comment!
"Kimberly Jaramillo-
bitch, wake up! im picking you up today so you can be my sidekick at the mall! we're gonna take down the crazy sales and restore happiness in our closets !
be ready by 2pm. wear something casual and cute ^.^
oh, and im in the process of birthing out a new blogg -and you're in it, bwahahahaha !"
And this is what she wrote about me in her blog:
"6) went home to find my sister in her usual: hair up, headband on, glasses with the missing lens on one side, blue spandex shorts, and white cami exposing her nipples :| and her trusty Shadow next to her watching me. I put my bags down, grab her (Im talking about Shadow, of course) and smother her till she hissed like Edward Cullen, ha. Kryzko (sister) immediately follows me like a lost puppy asking, “What are you doing here? Are you off? Where you going now???” … then she tells me to go outside to look at the *new pet daddy got us in the backyard. (wtf? Is ten cats, a pond of fish, and a turtle somewhere in our backyard not enough?!) but instead, she takes me to a caged bonzai tree ? Apparently, my dad took home ANOTHER jackson chameleon from his workplace and spent his whole day yesterday making a cage with large holes :/ hehe, poor daddy. it’s the thought that counts, eh? … anyway, I went back upstairs and got ready for a couple of hours...."
okay okay.
I still havn't cleaned or gotten ready, and its already 12.
I'll explain things later when I come home.
Have a nice day everyone!<3
12:29 pm
See the link below for more of our humor that I oh so love!
Just thought I should share. :3
7:42 pm
Alright hello again!
Just got home.
And I cannot believe what just happened to me.
I just finished rinsing off my legs with water and antibacterial soap in the bathroom sink lmao.
Which btw, made me feel like a porn star climbing up this pretty high pedestal...
Only because I was all dolled up in a cute dress, and I just felt pretty sexy today ;] TEEHEE.
Anyways... As I was saying... [haha]
When I got home, I walked to the back of my house to greet my kitties.
I knealed to the grass to pet and play with the furry little angels they are and this is when it happened..
There was one particular cat out of the bunch that turned around and shot/sprayed me with it's PISS!
Was this cat marking it's territory; on ME!?!
This is probably the fourth time I've had a feline spray it's pheromones onto my body.
I know cats spray or "mark" their territory to claim what belongs to them....
Does that mean my cat just wanted to warn other fellow cats that I was it's property
What a selfish pussy.
*20 minutes later*
So I just finished googling once again, and TADAH!~
I'm not alone... again.

[click to enlarge]
And the question was:
"WHY IS MY CAT SPRAYING ME???!?!?!?!?!?!?
we have 5 cats. we are fostering a kitten until we can find a home for her. we have had her for 2 days and the second day one of my cats Jester decided that he should go ahead and spray me...TWICE IN THE SAME DAY!....if its because of the new foster kitten then i dont understand it because we got our youngest kitten Roxie and our other kitten yoda after finding Jester and he NEVER did this with her.....no he's not fixed yet but he will be soon thanks to the Big Fix program here in AZ.... but still, he's never sprayed ME before...its disgusting and obviously smells horrible!"
And here are a few anonymous answers ...
"He sees you as HIS territory, therefore he is marking you. Showing the rest of the cats that he OWNS you. Hah."
"Hun, I feel for you. My cat did the same thing to me. It's a cats way of saying that "You belong to me" or "This Object belongs to me". It's a cat's way of marking his territory and telling other cats to back off. Hehe, not only has my male cat sprayed Me...3 times... but he also sprayed one of the female cats...THAT HE BROUGHT HOME. Cats are strange, but funny at times, but we love them anyway. By the way, even if you have him fixed, that doesn't mean he'll stop...mine didn't -_-`"
"He hates you."
Okay enough with that.
Imagine if humans did this.
I would approve.
10:33 pm
Oh! I almost forgot.
Going to the mall with my sister today was fun.
Surprisingly we did more brainstorming for gifts rather than shopping for ourselves.
She asked if I wanted anything, but I wasn't really interested in any clothes..
We just spent more money on food and drinks.
I don't feel like going into much detail, but here is a picture of 2 things I brought home! Heehee
I love love love "Green Machine" Naked Juice.
And the little black graph book because Ive always wanted a tiny pocket sized book where I can doodle and write in. ^_____^
(Well I had a few in the past, but they weren't cute and small like this one! :D)
Bye! :D
Lmao! You both are so adorable! :3
ReplyDeleteHahah yeah me love her long time! <3