Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tuna and crackers

12:51 am

I swear, I've been peeing every hour.
It's all the water I've been drinking!
Atleast my pee is clear now.. LOL

So I uploaded a couple of random clips and videos on my Youtube!
I didnt think that cleaning out my computer would take so long, theres so many clips of Shadow I think I'll just make a video out of it!


....... 5 minutes later

So my sister gave me this sugar packet with an inspiring artsy quote on it a while ago,
and I pinned it onto my bulliten wall of inspiration.
When Shadow needs to go outside to pee, she hops onto my dresser and claws at the wall aside my door. (Well, in this case, the bulliten board)
While I was typing out this blog, she hopped onto my dresser and hooked the innocent little sugar packet and looked at me.
Before I could even finish yelling her full name, she looks up at the sugar packet and slowly lowers her paw!
Showering her chest in a waterfall of sugar.

I have to vacuum this up tommorow..
Alright I just put her outside!
It's still raining too. ^____^
I should go to sleep.
Goodnight. :]

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