Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Beautiful lies.


Never again.
Never again.
Never again.
Never again.
Never again



I will make you regret everything.
I will make you watch me,
want me.
Someday youre going to remember that you once had me.
When the days are cold, and those feelings you sold, rise from the mold,
That mold that stuck, that muck you created, and abandoned as swift as a pluck,
Like a petal, you couldnt settle for one, for I wasnt enough,
Not shiny enough, because this crystal you scuffed, scratched, and cracked,
couldnt shine in the buff, I was frosted.
Frosted like those marbles you played in elementary school,
There, life was still cruel, I was still a tool, a pretty jewel, drowning in this pool, full of control, and pleasure, I'd stop at no measure
to please, and excite, and then I met you.
Feelings soon began to ignite,
Everything felt right, Night's were so bright, and then you took flight,
That flickering fire , took you only one puff, you blew me away
decisions became tough, I straightened out my cuffs,
I've had enough.
I'll be on my way.

I'll be on my way.


Maybe youll see what I what I went through, and wonder why I even stuck around.

Don't tell me your'e sorry, because I am.

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