In the end, I'm not really happy about how it turned out. That's what happens when you stop doing art, I need to be consistent and I need to continue practicing.
But I guess this turned out pretty decent knowing that I used old watercolor paint from the 99 cent store, and q-tips.. LOL
Then I outlined and detailed everything with ink and a caligraphy pen...
Even I realized that my pen skills were a bit rusty, I use to be swift and clean, This time I was sluggish and sloppy. I accidentally rubbed my hand on alot of parts, I made alot of strands solid black because of that,
including the one under her chin- It looks like a beard, and it pissed me off, LOL.
If you havnt noticed by now, I like to draw figures in somewhat alluring poses, and hair.
The hair is my favorite part!
[click to enlarge]

After doing that, I noticed that I have an odd style of shape when it comes to outlining my drawings... I love lines. Like hair, I send alot of things into 'spiral" or I make things bend and curl. I create these sharp yet smooth moldable shapes, and I'm really comfortable with it. I love detail. Here are two examples:
[click to enlarge]

Btw, Goodmorning! <33333
You special person you, ;]
12:43 pm
I'm gonna go fishing today with my sister/ Huy, and my brother, Be back later! :D
Wow thats really good!