Monday, November 30, 2009

NOOOOOOOO >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

9:33 pm
All the pictures ive hosted on tinypic got moved -_-
Ill fix it later!


Saturday, November 28, 2009


11:44 pm
I've said many times in the past.
That I didnt believe in bestfriends!
I was wrong.
I guess I went through this phase where I felt like I didnt need any?
(How stupid.)
Ive recently been through a really tough time in my life where I felt like there couldn't be anything in the world that could makes things feel... okay?

I also kept my distance with people.
Because I didnt want to hurt anyone anymore.
I still do this to some extent... To boys ofcourse.
But thats a diffrent story.

All in all,

I hung out with Ericka, Lea, and Alickz today!
And we pretty much updated each other.. Had a cry seshion too! xD
Well...just me.

I dont want to go too much into detail,
But all I need to say is that... I need them.
I really do.
We could be away from each other, but we always reunite, and nothing ever changes.
We bond even closer too!
I'm really thankful for today. <3

12:08 pm

I havnt really had the chance to say this, but!
Thank you Leigh for the kind shout out!
Although we havnt met yet, someday WE WILL. :3
You are like my internet bestfriend. LOL

Hahahaha... This has turned into a Friend Appreciation blog. lmao

I never really truely showed how much I appreciate all the little things you do for me... For example, how much I adore this drawing youve done of me and shadow..
I always look at it... lolol
Just thought I'd let you know... lmao.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

That and, how we have the most interesting internet "times"
Sending each other links and links of endless fun
Vent sessions about boys, and stupid woman....
You can move to another island, but the internets will always stay!



I'm so sad because I just realized all of people I just listed above dont live here anymore. sadface.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Agenda

Haha my sister being the organized responsible person she is, She created a Thanksgiving agenda, and sent this to me through Myspace! Thought I'd share. :D
Iv'e been waiting for this day!
Every year we have all of our cousins and relatives over to celebrate a huge Thanksgiving at our house. So it's always a big thing for me hehe.

1. potluck-KFC bucket [hahaha This is just something she wants to bring]

2. desserts-Kryzkos pie [My luscious banana cream pie! :D]

3. appetizers- Kimbys' baked mussels

4. décor

-orange, green, and brown color theme

-Christmas decorations (lights, wreath, stockings)

-Thanksgiving plates, napkins, and cups

-music and movie (Star Trek,The Ugly Truth)


Morning-2pm: clean and prep decorations

-clean kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom

-set up Christmas decorations (stockings, wreath, table pieces)

-prep entertainment (music and movies)

2-4pm: grocery shopping ($80 SPENDING BUDGET)

-KFC (open till 4pm) mixed bucket ($20)

-Safeway (open till 6pm): baked mussels, kryzkos pie ingredients, mommys ingredients ($50 BUDGET)

-Walmart(open 24hrs): Holiday door wreath, Thanksgiving utensils ($15 BUDGET)

-huy's pork and peas takeout?? [LOOL Huy and his need for filipino dishes]

4-6pm: cook and prep!!!

-save KFC (rebake later and throw in bucket again)

-prep & bake mussels at huys house

-go home and finish prepping (huy brings DVD)
6pm-7pm: shower, get dressed, and PARTAY :D Gobble-Gobble!!

Another wonderful morning!

9:22 am
It rained early this morning, and now its dark cold and cloudy, and I LOVE it.
Brb everyone. Going to make some coffee and breakfast! :D

10:10 am
hahah Note to self.
It is very comfortable and fun to walk around the house in your undies.
I find what I am doing- It's very amusing.
Its only me and Shadow home!
She's eating my leftover scrambled eggs right now. xD
brb again!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Heart Shaped Gum.

10:32 am
One of the first things I saw this morning- sitting on my Milky Way bar. :]
As I awoke, the air was cold, including the sole of my left foot!
The lemonade bottle was there laying on its side. My sheets below were slightly cold and wet.
And my feet felt so soft and good when I rolled my socks off!
I love that feeling.
You know, when you sleep with your socks on?

I usually lie in bed for a long time before I actually get up, But I could hear Shadow's needy meows echoing in the halls!
Has my sister Kim left for work ?
And has forgotten to put this cat outside again..?
I wasnt sure, but I ended up calling for Shadow, holding in my morning pee.
Already being near the bathroom, I went and sat on the toilet, squishing my toes into the furry bath mat....
I smiled.
Then there she was!
Walking toward me.
I happily said "Good Morning Shadoowwww!"
And she just stared at me.
With those glassy yellowish-green eyes.
Sometimes, when cats do this, I feel like we're connecting.
Then She just ruins our moment and starts licking herself.

I'm going to make some breakfast.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

My nipples hurt.

9:14 pm
I think that time of the month is coming.
Maybe that explains all of my emotional recent posts...lololol
Im heading to bed early! I want to have a good start tommorow.
Goodnight everyone!<3

Friday, November 20, 2009

He was cool.

9:22 am
That is the name of the movie I was just watching earlier!
Im in a really good mood right now because its cold and rainy!
Then again, watching this Korean movie made me feel really lonely.. LOL
And also made me wish I was living in a country.
You know... Just that lifestyle where alot of unexpected things may happen..
Exciting new things! New faces, and just everything else in general.
Imagine this.
Living home in your own apartment, and you decide to order some takeout.
Ding! Dong! The door bell rings and the delivery man in uniform and all is at your door. Handsome, fit, ... and wet. From the rain ofcourse.
cmon doesnt that sound exciting.
Besides wanting to live somewhere far far away.....

I miss all the affectionate stuff!
I think I may be romantically challenged.
I'm just so used to being into relationship after relationship, and I always feel like I need to share my love with someone lolol

Sometimes I wish I had some kind of cute neighbor girl that I could do all the cutesy stuff with.. LOOL
I cant believe I just said that, I think I'm just confused....
I don't even know what i'm saying anymore...hahah
I'm going to stop blabbling away now. Be back later! :D

Thursday, November 19, 2009

But thats okay with me.

2:00 pm
Hm. Im so mad at this bipolar weather...
I was really excited for a cold and rainy week!
Besides the bipolar weather, I really need to buy pure acetone to remove these acrylic nails, and motor oil for my sewing machine!! And another thing! I'm pretty upset that one of my close friends are leaving the island... sadface. sadface. sadface.

Who else am I going to have weird conversations with!?
Someone that can be brutally blunt and honest to shu away creeps and perverted old men!!?
I feel like we just started to get real close... :/
I know I always say I dont believe in that word "bestfriend" or say I even have any, but She's the closest thing I got to one!
Sigh, I guess its not so bad... Its only to another island...
And She'll come to visit on holidays and such.
Anywho! I'll be back, I'm stalling to avoid some house chores.

4:25 pm

DAMN that was some hardcore house cleaning... Im all sweaty and about to jump into the shower!
Something really funny happened though.
Alright, so when I vacuum, I sing and dance around, I just pretty much go crazy because I don't think anyone can hear or see me...hehe
And little did I know!!
There were people standing up my sandhill!! Just there. Drinking soda and watching me.
I dont even know how long they were there..

Here is yet another video to show how much of a good and loving pet owner I am.

I cant believe I actually went "NYAAHAHAHAHAH!!!!"

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


CBOX and everything else will be back! Just experimenting with templates!<3


Wednesdays feel so lonely when it rains like this.
I even went looking for Shadow so Id have some company!
So here She is, Taking advantage of the heat my laptop is giving off.
I made some coffee too.
I'm pretty bummed because I didnt wake up as early as I'd like too..
I couldnt sleep lastnight.
I was up listening to trance/Ambient music, dropping dingles and duds on OMGPOP..
Oh, and it was also nice to rekindle some abandoned fires..
I really did appreciate it ^-^
Made me feel so much better.
I just wish I had a really close friend that would just come over and keep me company!
That would be really nice.

I'm usually home alone on weekdays, but Wednesdays and Thursdays, EVERYONE in this house is gone.
Well... I think.
It's just too quiet.

*takes another sip of coffee*

Monday, November 16, 2009


Hello blog.
Today is Monday, and I woke up at 5 AM.
I wanted to wake up early because I hate that feeling of waking up really late!
I feel like I wasted so much time sleeping in, when I could of done something productive. >-<

This morning I cooked noodles and drank coffee while I watched Spongebob Square Pants.
To his surprise, my dad awoke and joined me and Shadow to finish up his usual breakfast- Pandesals and coffee!
Then! After fighting with my sister about her still not wanting to give back the laptop, I went into my room and stretched.
I was so angry with her... lmao
So I ended up drawing, and sewing things.
I was pretty glad my sister was being a selfish angry troll, because this morning I realized how time consuming this darn laptop is!
I drew a couple of sketches, gained more sewing experience by experimenting with elastic, painted a shirt, all in a matter of hours!

I'm so proud of myself!
I've been thinking about doing this only every weekday. :D
Waking up real early..
It really feels nice to have an early start.
9:30 pm

Shit I slept way too early!.
I just took a nap around 6 something, and I woke up because Shadow was trying to catch a bug on my bulliten board...
Hopefully I dont sleep to late. :[
I also am feeling a bit... I dont know.
I just want you to realize how much you appreciate me.

That and,
I'm just scared.
Why do I do this?
When I get really hurt, I just disappear.
Not to run away.

When I disappear, Can you hear me..?

Disappearing into a sad silence..
Do you wonder?
Does something feel missing?


I DO believe all of the things you say to me.

And I do appreciate you making the efforts to let me know these things.
I believe that your feelings are honest, and thats it.

Dont you wonder why people dont think youre honest with them?
Words alone arent enough.
Do you understand that?
It may for awhile, but actions should follow.
Anyone can feel things, but a simple act can prove so much more.
Because its you. Youre putting yourself out there.

The way it was when I last saw you,
You of all people should already know I'm a very observant person.
I notice all of these things.
And dont say you dont know what I'm talking about.
Avoiding the usual routine.
And just how you went off as if nothing was wrong.. or changed?
I feel like youre lying to me.
As if youre trying , or making it seem like youre someone you are not anymore.
THAT is not being fully honest.

You may feel the same way, but your plans and desires are diffrent.
Prove me wrong.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

My life path number!

Your Life Path Number: 3
Life Path Number 3: The Twins

If you were born with a Life Path Number 3, your friends probably know you as a life-loving, creative, and sparkling personality.

All of these things are true: the Life Path Number 3 is born for pleasure, inventiveness, and living life to the full. You love to connect with people, whether face-to-face (you are probably the life and soul of any party) or through your creative medium: many Life Path Number 3s are writers, painters, broadcasters or orators.

It is not just your ability to entertain that makes you so lovable though. You are one of the worlds listeners as well. You don't pretend to be interested until it is your turn to speak - you are genuinely intrigued by most people and believe everyone has a fascinating story to tell. You probably break some hearts though, when you hear a fascinating story, absorb and digest it, then flutter off to the next person without looking back.

Money is not a great concern to those born with a Life Path Number 3. You are happy to spend it if you have it (probably on those you love) and are unconcerned if you are broke. After all, life is wonderful and there will always be more cash around the next corner. The amazing thing is that this seems to be exactly how it works out for those born under the 3 - something always turns up.

Life Path Number 3 has another face too, one that you know about but your friends would be very surprised to discover: you are easily hurt and, even if you are feeling fine, can retreat from the world at a moment's notice. Sometimes this is to simply recharge your batteries and other times it is to brood over a deep wound that only you can see.

Finding balance is the biggest challenge for you. You hate to be trapped in a routine and will often jump into an undesirable situation simply for the sake of change. Try to think more carefully before you quit your job, or catch a plane to Kathmandu - even though thinking things through can feel like a prison, it might
save you some heartache from time to time.

And My horoscope for today<3
Sunday, Nov 15th, 2009 -- Even if you think that your life is heading in the right direction these days, you're also aware that your foundations are not as stable as you thought. Your first reaction may be to fearfully hold on to what you have, but if you are too inflexible, you could miss a significant opportunity for growth. What seems like a loss could actually be a way to make room for the gains ahead. Move forward with optimism instead of trying to navigate by looking in your rearview mirror.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Who Am I to say....?

I Don't know anything, at all.
Who Am I to Say..... You need me?

Saturday morning!

Gooood morning Sweetheart, would you like some cream with your coffee?

Saturday, Nov 14th, 2009 -- You can make a very practical decision today that has profound consequences, yet others might not see the logic to your choice. It may seem as if you are being impulsive now, but you have been seriously thinking about your situation for a while, unable to tip the scales one way or the other. Don't worry if your uncertainty returns, for this is all part of an ongoing process

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Krystle, please remember this day.

The day the family and I left the Philippines.
It's one of the saddest moments to ever experience because you just feel like it could be the last time.

I remember having one of the most powerful feelings to come home to be better.
Not only for me, but for everyone else I was coming home too.
Being a month away really changed my perception on what I wanted, and what I should be thankful for.
Being away for so long made me learn what to really appreciate and what I need to hold on to.

This also turned my dad into my hero!

On my way home, not only did I want to change my ways but
I also had my mind set to wanting you to regret what you did so badly.

I was afraid to come home.

I never expected for things to be like this when I got back.

Krystle, please dont forget these strong feelings you had that day.
Even though things didnt go the way you wanted to, don't let that change everything you wanted to offer. You are a better person now, and I want you to keep striving to be happy. You are still young, so you shouldnt be worried about this thing called "love". You've had enough for now. Please focus and concentrate on imporant things that WILL make your future. Take a diffrent approach to things, and don't hold back. Don't put any of your talents to waste. Stop being so distracted, and remember everything you felt when your only grandparent cried on your shoulders and asked you to make your dad proud.


.............. ... .... .. . .

Ive been feeling so cynical.
It's a fun feeling!
I think I am going to crash soon. Today I got a Hazlenut Iced Coffee from Mcdonalds and to cure the watery taste I chose to add MORE coffee ground.
Then I felt like it was too strong and bitter so I added MORE sugar and cream.
Oh! And caramel too.
Ive been hyper and twitchy for the past two hours.

My horoscope for the day:
Thursday, Nov 12th, 2009 -- It's hard for you to take your responsibilities lightly now, for the Moon's conjunction to somber Saturn in your sign sets the tone for the day. Don't waste your precious energy attempting to put on a happy face for others because that's what they expect of you. It's not your job today to make everyone feel okay about the issues you face. It's up to you to look inward and ask yourself tough questions so you can gain clarity about the next phase of your life.

I'm really enjoying the cold weather and thunder btw! :D

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Weird camera.

Stole this from Ben's stickam! xD
Ben, thankyou for secretly recording me! LOL
This is also proof to show how weird my hands are. o-O
For some reason, Unknowingly, my hands stay in a awkward position for a while...
I usually have people point that out for me , but I started to notice it in alot of my photos!

How odd.

.... ..... ...


LOLOLOL Now that Ive watched this over, I didnt really realize how awkward looking it is!!! It seems as if my hand is kind of ... slow?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Oh and look what I found today!

Apparently I made this for my mum for Mother's Day in the Second grade. :D


If your'e wandering around my space, trying to figure out why I've dissappeared, and why I have not been around, You have come to to the right place.
For this past week Iv'e seen things, heard things, and I've come to realize that I'm better than this.
What if I'm just strong enough to let go?
What your'e doing, I dont want it any of it.
I am NOT the same person I was.
Can't you see that alot of things has changed now?

When I saw what you were doing that night; it
brought me back to how we used to be.
My stomach felt sick.
I only realized it then.
I was weak and I had no dignity or self worth.
I couldn't understand why I put myself through it.
It's because even though it seems like I had everything back then, I still felt alone.

I watched you lay there. And as much as I tried telling myself it's nothing, I couldn't help but ask : "Why are you here..?"
The real question is.....
Why am I here..?

Just look at what you created.
What did you expect...?
For me to go back into that position where I asked for your permission?
It's diffrent now.

When you lose just about everything; The experience alone makes you stronger.
I never thought I'd feel so independent.

When you're all alone and you feel like you have noone else, the only place you go searching into is yourself.
I know what I'm capable of. And I know I am a great person.

I was speaking the truth when I told you that I am going to take a diffrent approach.
I'm not leaving or letting go; I'll still be here for you when you need me, but not for THOSE reasons.
Which, in this case, looks like I won't be seeing you for a while.

I never would of thought I would say this again....
Until we meet again.~

.. ... . .

You don't deserve this part of me.

My November Horoscope!

I go to Astrologyzone for all of my horoscope needs. :D

Saturn is now in Libra, and in the coming years Saturn will show you a vision of your best self. While Saturn is known to push and prod, what you achieve under the coming three years will stay with you forever."

-Saturn in my sign for three long years!
So It's really important for me to be focused!

"What you choose to do will be new to you and not be easily undone, for the very reason you are doing it is to add a sturdy pillar to your life. You are beginning the next chapter of your life and your new challenge will seem a bit like a rite of passage. "

-What I want to do, is pretty new to me.
Iv'e been receiving and sending out packages this past week, and I'm starting to actually get the hang of this! I've also been working on custom orders for friends, and alot of new oppurtunities have been rising for me.

"Romantically, you are lucky that you have Jupiter, planet of good fortune, in your house of true love in 2009, a once-in-12-year-visit. If you are saying to yourself, "Yes, but this year has not been THAT great for me in the love department," I say this: Yes, that might be the case, but you have reason to be optimistic. Last month, on October 13, Jupiter resumed direct motion after months of being retrograde. This means you will have Jupiter working for you at double power through the reminder of the year. Make it a point to socialize more! Mars will help make that happen, and the coming holidays will bring more invitations for parties."

- "Yes, but this year has not been THAT great for me in the love department," LOL.... That made me laugh. And sure. I've been optimistic! Think Happy thoughts Krystle! And alot of friends and family has been such a huge support. I love them terribly. Oh, and how could I forget about the holidays! I'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving because when we have Thanksgiving, The whole family comes over to our house to celebrate it. And the Foooooooooooood! The delicious FOOD. YESSSS!
I really love the Christmas spirit too. ^__^

Venus will be in Libra during the first week of November, the time you should see about updating your appearance. You will want to look your best from now on, and Venus is standing by to help! This is true for both men and women Libras - no one will be left out.
I really like my short hair and I'm begginning to think that I'm going to maintain a short haircut for a long time! And as for style, I'm planning to alter every piece of clothing in my closet! I'm pretty excited.

"My favorite days for you for love will be November 25 and 26. In the United States, the second day will be Thanksgiving, so this is really good news! Of course, if you aren't in the US, you STILL will have plenty of fun on these days. Attached or single, these are your number one days for romance. "

- Hmmmmmm.... I'm kind of iffy about this one because I told myself that I don't want to be in any sort of relationship for a really long time. I just want to focus on other things. But who knows? MAYBE something "romantic" may happen on those days. THEN AGAIN! I can imagine myself falling in love with a tender turkey leg on Thanksgiving... *drools* just kidding.

Summary !!

"Saturn is now in Libra, and is directing his gaze on September-born Libra and those with early degrees of Libra rising. Although those Libras will feel the changes toward a more stable, secure life that Saturn is known to bring, all Libras will notice that life has taken on a serious tone. Saturn will get you ready to build a firm foundation for the future, and although it will require a bit of hard work and concentration, later you will be very proud of what you created in the period of late 2009 to late 2012.

By the end of Saturn's visit in 2012, you will have made your life your own, reflected in the long-term goals you committed to during Saturn's three-year visit to your sign. Your new endeavor will have many new elements to it that you'll have to learn and master, but there will be elders nearby to help you do just that. After this period is done, you will emerge stronger and more mature, and others will treat you with more respect. You will move into a new life phase, so this is all very exciting."

Saturday, November 7, 2009


This is exactly why I shouldnt play games. I get so into it, and I let it take over my life. >.<
When something fun is infront of my face, and it has goals, I feel like I cant put it down until it's completed. Cafe world- I admit set me back a week...lmao
Fortunately, this blogspot reminds me of my progress...And seeing that I havnt even updated for a whole week made me realize this.
I get so lazy and distracted by the littlest things!
I havnt been active or even been replying much.. I'm sorry.
This weekend, I'll clean it up.
Not to mention that my sister is single now! So right now it's like we're in this together. Trying to be better...improving ourselves...
Our goal is to save up money to visit her bestfriend in Cali for a week in March?
So that alone is my strong motivation!
Sometime in the future I want to move off Maui. And no. It's not because it's boring; I love Maui. Sometimes we take its beauty for granted.
But, what a friend told me is absolutely true. Drama circulates around like entertainment. Many are closeminded. Not only in experience, but other things... like Fashion and style!
And here's the quote that really motivates me to want to travel this world so badly.

"To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering in a great library without touching the books."
- The Secret Teachings of All Ages."

I discovered this quote from Dan Brown's novel, "The Lost Symbol"
Here's another thing! One of my goals are to read all of the books my auntie left us. When my auntie left this world, She saved me.
She would always read her favorite books in the garden with my cats.
Usually one cuddled in her lap.
I'll make a poem about this soon...
You know that quote...?
"I am a part of everything I read."
All these books helped make her the strong hopeful loving woman I know.
Nicholas Sparks.
"The Notebook", and "A Walk To Remember."...
He writes many novels about love, tragedy and fate.
So this is what I'm looking forward to!
Getting back on my two feet, Saving up for Cali, Reading these books,
Just pretty much working harder better stronger faster!
*techno beat kicks in*
I'm ready to rise.